Partner With Us

Hello from the Cooke Family! We're so glad that you're interested in purchasing this coffee to support our efforts on the mission field and the ongoing efforts already being carried out. We believe that God is calling us to go, and the ability to say "no" is just not possible to us!
There are unreached people groups that do not know the saving power of the name of Jesus. We are called to go and tell them of the good news of Jesus. How will they know of Christ, if no one is sent? We want to serve biblically. It is clear that missionaries are to be sent and supported by the church. Christ commanded His church to this task (Acts 1:8). We ask that you might consider aiding us through prayer and support. Much like Paul, we feel the call to go and plant churches where there is no gospel. Our aim is to go to the unreached people groups of the world to proclaim how sinners can be saved from their sins before a holy God. To proclaim that there is a sacrifice which is the only way to be made clean. There is no way to be made right before God, except through Christ alone. Our message must be biblical and the continuation of the gospel must be through planting healthy churches.
Our Role:
1. To plant healthy churches in unreached areas, where there are no churches, in Latin America through preaching the Word of God and discipleship. Romans 15:20-21
2. To assist in building a discipleship/theological education for local and indigenous groups. This discipleship is to be centered on doctrine and biblical training to those who don’t have access to theological education. 2 Timothy2:2
3. To create a business as missions model to assist in supporting and sending missionaries to other unreached areas with no churches through coffee business. 1 Timothy 4:10
To be obedient to to the call to go, we are in need of senders to aid us in prayer and support (3 John 1:5-8). We would love to talk more about our gospel message and how we can serve you or your church. The Great Commission is not a lone ranger task; it is given to the church as a whole. We are asking for your prayers first and foremost, to pray for us to be sent out and supported biblically.
“And thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation, but as it is written, “Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.””
Romans 15:20-21
We would love to talk about what we believe, our plans, how we could serve your church, or anything else. 864-420-7851