Guatemalan Grace Medium Roast

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We are excited to introduce our new Guatemalan coffee! This coffee is a medium roast, and brings out warm cocoa notes, pleasant citrus. and stone-fruit aromas.

We are calling this coffee “Grace“ as a reminder that salvation is a gift of grace from God. Grace literally means "gift." 
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8

Coffee grown in Guatemala is highly sought after. This coffee is grown in volcanic soil at a high altitude in a perfect climate, which are the ideal conditions for growing great tasting coffee. As a result, this truly is some of the best tasting coffee we offer! 

As great as the coffee is, we're even more excited about the church plant in Guatemala that this coffee is helping to support. This coffee goes to help continue missions in Guatemala and help a village church plant in Chuitziyut (remote village where there is no church.) Missions is all about planting churches and Grace coffee goes towards this!

Will Boegel, a local doctor in Guatemala, challenged me as a new missionary to think about ministry as a diesel engine, not as a gas engine. This stuck with me. He further explained that diesel engines may be harder to start and are even more expensive, but they last much longer. Diesel engines are very efficient with their fuel, whereas gas engines aren’t nearly as efficient and don’t last as long. He pushed me, saying, “When you’re working on the mission field, make sure you are efficient and in it for the long-haul.” He couldn’t be more right!

Missions and church planting is hard work for the long-haul. We are blessed to help plant a church in a small village in Guatemala that does not have any other church there whatsoever. This coffee goes to support missions in Guatemala and help this new church plant in this remote village.

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Dominick Terlizzi
Great Coffee, For Great Missional Purpose

The coffee tastes great. It comes to me from the manufacture in a very small amount of time, making it taste extremely fresh.

Thank you so much for the review! We're so happy you like it and grateful for your support!

Deborah Nicholson
Perfect cup of coffee

Smooth and no bitter taste.

Thank you, Deborah!


The best and freshest coffee!

Thank you, Sam! You rock!

Brenda McKnight

Guatemalan Grace Medium Roast

Dennis Baker

Excellent, full bodied coffee.